Climate Corner  CCL logo 2015 sm.jpg

This post is offered by the Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda chapter of Citizen's Climate Lobby. Co-leaders Lindsey Kohlenburg and Coty Keller will be happy to hear from you, answer your questions, and respond to your comments and concerns.  You can reach us by email at



How You Can Get Involved

James Hansen (Author “Storms of our Grandchildren.” Former director NASA Goddard Institute), says this about CCL:

 “If you want to join the fight to save the planet, to save creation for your grandchildren, there is no more effective step you could take than becoming an active member of this group.”


Does the idea of working to create the political will for a stable climate interest you? Want to work with the media, community and ultimately Congress to pass our Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation?   If so, please join us.  We need you!


The website is a quick way to sign on. If you prefer the phone, or want to email one of us learn more, please give us a call. Our chapter email is Our phones numbers are

·         Lindsey: 419-946-6770

·         Coty: 941 727-8053    





 Climate Corner series:

·         CCL's mission

·         Our Principles

·         What CCL Volunteers Do

·         How YOU can get involved

·         Quick Video- the essence

·         Household Impact

·         Regional Economics Modeling, Inc. (REMI)

·         Paris and the Supreme Court